Museums basically think in exhibitions. But whether or not they want to use digital technologies, should not depend on the preference of one curator at a time and the budget available. It is also unfortunate, but a common phenomenon, that after the closing of a temporary exhibition, the IT equipments are put away, written off,  and  in case of another exhibition a new purchase list is created, although possibly  many equipments from previous events  could be reused.

Specific, ad hoc projects should be embedded in the fabric of longer-term and wider-spectrum planning and (material and human) resource management. To do this, it is first necessary to clarify what the museum thinks about its own renewal, its social role, and its relationship with visitors in the information society. To answer these longer-term questions, I as digital curator can help the cultural heritage institutions  in the following ways:

    • Social participation of museums, participatory attitudes and the Internet generation: challenges, trends, the role of digital technologies – overview, consulting.

    • Creation of institutional digital strategy  medium and long term.

    • Organizational development within the institution for the introduction and use of digital technologies.